
Back up data from your computer

In Synology Drive Client, go to Backup tasks > Restore and locate the file or folder you wish to restore. Select the file you want to retrieve and click Browse ...

如何使用Active Backup for Business 備份整台電腦及伺服器?

登入DSM,前往Active Backup for Business > 設定> 範本。 · 選擇PC / Mac 指派裝置類型及Windows 平台的預設範本,按一下編輯以調整電腦備份的設定,或按一下 ...

backup windows 11 to network drive

Open Control Panel and navigate to System and Security > File History. Click on Select drive on the left-hand side.

How To Back Up Windows 1110 to NAS

To ensure your system is properly backed up, consider using WonderShare UBackit. It's an easy-to-use and, more importantly, reliable tool for Windows backup.

How can I backup files from Windows to my NAS?

Q: How can I backup files from Windows to my NAS? · 1. Click on the [Create] icon to create a Backup Plan. · 2. Select [ASUSTOR NAS] for your backup destination ...

How to fully backup a Windows 10 machine over a Synology NAS ...

Create a new shared folder and only grant access to that user. Configure the Synology Drive Windows Client to log into your NAS with the Drive ...

如何將Windows 10 備份到NAS (Synology)

本教學介紹了將Windows 10 備份到Synology 和QNAP 等不同NAS 裝置的4種有效方法,並示範了詳細步驟。

How to Backup Windows 1011 to All NAS Devices Easily in 3 Ways?

Open Settings> type File History in the search box. Or press Windows key + R> enter control> select Save backup copies of your files with File History under System and Security. 2. Click Select drive on the left and click Add a network location t

How to back up Windows 10 to a Synology NAS

Hit Windows Key + Q to bring up the search. Type in backup. Choose Backup settings. Select More options. Choose See advanced settings. Select ...

How to Backup Windows 11 to Synology NAS Drive

Here in this video tutorial, I will show you guys how to backup Windows 11 to Synology NAS Drive step by step. Note: This video has followed ...


InSynologyDriveClient,gotoBackuptasks>Restoreandlocatethefileorfolderyouwishtorestore.SelectthefileyouwanttoretrieveandclickBrowse ...,登入DSM,前往ActiveBackupforBusiness>設定>範本。·選擇PC/Mac指派裝置類型及Windows平台的預設範本,按一下編輯以調整電腦備份的設定,或按一下 ...,OpenControlPanelandnavigatetoSystemandSecurity>FileHistory.ClickonSelectdriveontheleft-handside.,Toensureyou...
